The legendary hotel Chernorechye in Dzerzhinsk will be fully reconstructed for the FIFA World football Cup 2018. This hotel is located just opposite the central football stadium of Dzerzhinsk which is going to be one of the training and accommodation venues for the World football Cup 2018 participant team. Just 5 minutes by walk from the main train station of Dzerzhinsk to one side and in 5 minutes of walking distance there is the very heart of the town with Dzerzhinskyi square, administration, central park, main public swimming pool, mall etc. The hotel is going to become a 4* hotel after refurbishment and is going to be one of the best in Dzerzhinsk. Will it the same hotel name - is still a secret, but we are sure it will be of a nice quality as it is done under the control of Dzerzhinsk town administration. Meanwhile, just there are two other hotels in the centre - one of the oldest Oka hotel, on the main square, and newly built Park hotel, just behind the mall Dzerzhinets. The best hotel in Dzerzhinsk area at the moment is Chaika resort on the bank of Oka river, which is about 15 minutes far by car from the town centre.